Author: Emmanuel Ruchat

Lexial aux Etats-Unis

Depuis bientôt vingt ans, Lexial assiste des chefs d’entreprise et des investisseurs étrangers qui veulent s’établir, souvent avec leur famille, en Europe – en particulier en France, en Belgique et en Suisse. Cette demande reste forte y compris en France malgré le contexte politique et à Bruxelles, où l’on travaille au sursaut européen indispensable pour rester dans la course. A Genève, la forte sélection opérée, dans une Confédération qui reste très performante et stable, permet l’accès notamment à un régime fiscal privilégié et qui, en 2025, devrait encore devenir plus avantageux dans certains cantons.   Mais cette demande évolue. En attendant une concrétisation des efforts européens, de nombreux observateurs estiment que les Etats-Unis, qui avaient perdu beaucoup de leurs attraits depuis presque une décennie, sont sur le point de faire un important bond en avant en termes de croissance économique, de compétitivité et donc d’attractivité. Cette dernière, combinée à une politique plus restrictive des flux migratoires, conduira sans nul doute à une évolution et à une complexification des processus de sélection. Certains de nos clients établis en Europe nous demandent aujourd’hui de les aider à obtenir les visas américains EB-1, EB-2 NIW, L-1A, E-2, H-1B, EB-5, dont certains pourraient bientôt être modifiés ou disparaître.  C’est dans ce cadre que Lexial a décidé de nouer des partenariats avec plusieurs acteurs locaux, confrères ou non, répartis dans différents Etats américains et spécialisés dans le droit de l’immigration. Nous sommes également devenus membres de l’AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association), qui nous permet non seulement de bénéficier en la matière d’informations et de bases de données parfaitement à jour, mais aussi de pouvoir trouver un point de contact très rapidement dans n’importe quelle ville des Etats-Unis.  

The new French exceptional admission for residence

The exceptional admission for residence is a discretionary procedure outlined in Articles L. 435-1 to L. 435-4 of the CESEDA, which allows the prefect to grant residence to a foreigner outside the typical legal provisions. Article L. 435-1 specifies that foreigners whose admission is based on humanitarian considerations or exceptional circumstances can obtain residence permits such as “employee,” “temporary worker,” or “private and family life” depending on the reasons presented. The November 28, 2012, “Valls Circular” established guidelines for this process, clarifying what constitutes “humanitarian considerations” or “exceptional reasons,” including references to irregular employment. This procedure generally requires a minimum stay of five years in France and employment for eight months, with employers needing to submit a work authorization form. In response to labor shortages, the 2023 government bill sought to extend exceptional admission to more foreigners. Though initially removed by the Senate, the procedure was reintroduced through Article L. 435-4 of CESEDA. This allows foreigners who have worked in sectors facing recruitment challenges for at least 12 months within the past two years and who have resided in France for at least three years to receive a one-year “temporary worker” or “employee” residence permit. A February 5, 2024 circular clarified the implementation of this new system, which only applies to foreigners working in sectors with labor shortages. It excludes certain residency periods, such as those covered by “seasonal worker” or “student” permits. The law emphasizes that the permit is issued on an exceptional basis, taking into account not only professional activity but also social and familial integration, adherence to public order, and alignment with French societal values. This new provision supplements existing exceptional admission possibilities, such as those described in Article L. 435-1, which also permits residence for temporary or regular workers but requires an employer’s work authorization form. 4o

New EU Directive 2024/1233: Simplifying and Harmonizing Work Permits for Third-Country Nationals

The European Union has introduced Directive 2024/1233 (24 April 2024), which marks a significant step forward in simplifying and harmonizing the procedures for third-country nationals to reside and work in EU member states. This directive aims to streamline the process, enhance workers’ rights, and ensure equitable treatment across the Union. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the key innovations and principles introduced by the directive: Unified Application Procedure One of the most notable advancements is the establishment of a unified application procedure. This process allows third-country nationals to apply for a single permit that authorizes both residency and employment within a member state. This simplification significantly reduces the administrative burden for both workers and employers, cutting down on processing times and bureaucratic hurdles. Common Set of Rights Directive 2024/1233 sets a common foundation of rights for third-country workers, ensuring they receive the same treatment as nationals of the host member state in various critical areas. These include employment conditions, wages, social security, and access to public and private goods and services. This harmonization is designed to enhance the integration and protection of migrant workers, ensuring they can contribute effectively to their host countries’ economies. Harmonization Across Member States By standardizing the rules and procedures for issuing single permits across the EU, the directive aims to reduce the discrepancies between national systems. This uniformity facilitates the mobility of workers within the EU and increases the transparency and predictability of the application process. Improved Access to Information The directive mandates that member states provide clear and accessible information on the requirements for entry and stay, rights and obligations, and necessary documentation for permit applications. This initiative ensures that both third-country nationals and employers are well-informed and can navigate the administrative processes more effectively. Flexibility to Change Employers The directive grants permit holders the right to change employers during the validity of their single permit, subject to certain conditions. This flexibility is crucial for allowing workers to seek better employment opportunities without restarting the entire application process, thus fostering a more dynamic labor market. Protection Against Exploitation In cases of abusive working conditions, the directive empowers member states to extend the authorized unemployment period for single permit holders. This provision enhances protection against exploitation and abuse by employers, providing a safety net for vulnerable workers. Sanctions and Legal Recourse To ensure compliance, the directive includes provisions for effective, proportionate, and dissuasive sanctions against employers who violate the regulations. It also establishes mechanisms for workers to lodge complaints and seek legal redress directly or through third parties, ensuring their rights are upheld.

France maintained its position as the most attractive country in Europe for foreign investors in 2023 (EY, May 1st, 2024)

In 2023, France was recognized as the most attractive country in Europe for foreign investors for the fifth consecutive year, surpassing both the United Kingdom and Germany (EY, May 1st, 2024). Despite a slight decline in the number of foreign investment projects, down 5% from the previous year to 1,194, the investment levels remained robust, similar to those observed in 2019, before the global health crisis. These investments resulted in the creation of 39,773 jobs throughout the country. The enduring attractiveness of France is largely attributed to substantial reforms implemented over the past decade, including changes to the labor code, reductions in corporate and capital taxes, and significant decreases in production taxes. These measures, complemented by strategic investment plans such as France Relance and France 2030, have markedly improved France’s business environment. According to a study, these reforms have made France’s economic model more competitive and attractive than it was prior to 2017. Despite these positives, the study revealed several areas of concern. One significant issue is France’s struggle to attract new greenfield investments, with existing site expansions making up a large proportion of the investment projects. In contrast, new site investments are more common in the UK and Germany. Moreover, the average number of jobs created per investment project in France is considerably lower than in neighboring countries, pointing to potential inefficiencies or different economic focuses. Investor concerns extend to the financing of enterprises, cost competitiveness, and taxation, with the high cost of energy emerging as a new significant disadvantage. The previous year’s extensive strikes related to pension reforms also tarnished France’s image regarding social stability. The study suggests that while France has made significant advancements, its future attractiveness may hinge on addressing these emerging and persistent challenges. The country is at a pivotal moment, needing to sustain momentum from post-pandemic recovery efforts and to continue adapting to maintain its lead in an increasingly competitive global environment.

New extensive interpretations of freedom of speech in Europe

In its January 18, 2024 decision in Allée v. France, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that France violated the freedom of expression by wrongly convicting someone who had accused colleagues of harassment without adequate proof, under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Additionally, the European Parliament and Council’s Directive (EU) 2024/1069, issued on April 11, 2024, and published on April 16, 2024, protects public discourse participants from baseless legal actions and abusive lawsuits, known as “strategic lawsuits against public participation” (SLAPP).In the Allée v. France case decided on January 18, 2024, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that France violated the freedom of expression by convicting an individual who, without sufficient proof, accused colleagues of harassment. This decision came shortly before the European Union Directive 2024/1069 was published, aimed at protecting public discourse participants from baseless legal claims and abusive legal procedures, known as “strategic lawsuits against public participation” (SLAPP). The case involved a secretary who felt harassed by her executive vice-president and eventually sent an accusatory email about him, leading to her and her husband being sued for public defamation. The French courts initially found the email to be public and defamatory, dismissing her defense that the email was private and that she had a right to report workplace offenses. However, the ECHR disagreed, highlighting that the distribution of the email was limited and criticizing the excessive proof burden required by French courts, which overlooked the challenges of proving harassment. The ECHR’s decision raised concerns about possibly encouraging defamation by lowering the threshold for accountability in serious accusations without solid grounds. It suggests a potential shift in the legal landscape where freedom of expression could be used to shield false accusations, creating a complex legal scenario where defamation might be more easily excused under the guise of free speech. This verdict aligns with the EU Directive aimed at protecting individuals from SLAPP, emphasizing rapid judicial assessment of claims’ validity to prevent misuse of the legal system to stifle public discourse. However, the directive also includes provisions like requiring plaintiffs to deposit a security to cover procedural costs, potentially discouraging frivolous lawsuits but also risking the limitation of access to justice. Overall, these developments reflect a tension between enhancing freedom of expression and ensuring that this freedom does not facilitate the spread of misinformation or unwarranted attacks on individuals’ reputations, presenting a significant challenge in balancing these competing interests in the evolving landscape of European and international law.

New French law on Immigration is in force after extensive censorship by Constitutional Council

The law of January 26, 2024, titled “Law to Control Immigration, Improve Integration,” introduces various measures to address immigration, integration, and asylum issues in France.   1. Foreign Workers: Workers in high-demand jobs (construction, home care, hospitality) without proper documentation can exceptionally receive a “temporary worker” or “employee” residence permit. These individuals are no longer required to go through their employer for this permit but must demonstrate at least 12 months of work in the past 24 months, 3 years of residence in France, and integration into French society. Prefects have discretionary power to grant these permits, with this measure being experimental until the end of 2026. A new four-year “talent – medical and pharmacy profession” residence permit is introduced for doctors, dentists, midwives, and pharmacists who graduated outside the European Union. “Talent” residence permits for skilled workers and project leaders are simplified. Access to self-employed status for “platform workers” is conditioned on having a work permit for this status. Sanctions against companies employing undocumented workers are strengthened.   2. Integration and Residence Permits: Employers’ obligations to provide French language training to their foreign employees are strengthened. Foreign victims of “slum landlords” who have filed a complaint will receive a residence permit for the duration of the legal process. New grounds are created for refusing to issue, renew, or withdraw temporary residence permits, including document fraud and offenses against public officials.   3. Enhanced Removal Procedures: The law aims to facilitate the removal of foreigners posing a serious threat to public order. Expulsion is possible for foreigners (even those with long-term residence or family ties in France) convicted of crimes or misdemeanors punishable by at least 3 or 5 years in prison, depending on the foreigner’s status, or involved in violence against elected officials or public agents. Protections against a mandatory departure order for some undocumented foreigners are removed. Foreign minors continue to be protected against mandatory departure orders. The law allows for residence assignments for up to 3 years (previously 1 year) for foreigners unable to leave France due to situations like war in their home country. Measures to facilitate the execution of removals include conditioning visa issuance on the proper delivery of consular passes by foreign states.   4. Asylum and Foreigners’ Litigation: The law plans the gradual deployment of territorial hubs called “France asylum,” replacing the current single reception points for asylum seekers. These hubs will centralize asylum seeker registration, rights initiation, and application processing. The National Court of Asylum Right’s organization is reformed, with the creation of territorial chambers and the generalization of the single judge. Asylum seekers posing a flight risk or a threat to public order can be assigned to residence or placed in detention under certain conditions. The litigation involving foreigners (accounting for 40% of administrative court activity) is simplified, reducing the number of standard contentious procedures from 12 to 3.   5. Measures Censored by the Constitutional Council: The Constitutional Council censored 32 articles for formal reasons (as “legislative riders” with insufficient connection to the initial text) and 3 articles on substantive grounds, including issues like immigration quotas, conditions for accessing certain benefits by foreigners, and the tightening of family reunification rules.

Lexial lance une permanence gratuite d’aide aux victimes d’actes woke et de dénonciations calomnieuses sur Me Too

La justice est-elle vraiment aveugle, comme elle devrait l’être ? C’est ce que nous voulons illustrer ici. Certains estiment qu’elle ne doit pas l’être, ce qui est le contraire de ce que nous avons toujours voulu construire. Une justice aveugle signifie qu’elle est capable de rendre la même décision indépendamment de la personne jugée. La question se pose de savoir si tel est le cas. En d’autres termes, sommes-nous tous concernés par les dérives du wokisme ? Force est de constater que certaines situations contreviennent déjà au droit français. Récemment, une université a refusé d’inscrire certains étudiants à un atelier d’informatique parce qu’ils étaient des hommes. Un syndicat étudiant, par la voix de sa présidente, a légitimé les “réunions non-mixtes”. Parfois, notamment en milieu universitaire, l’obligation d’utiliser l’écriture inclusive va jusqu’à… l’exclusion pour ceux qui ne s’exécutent pas. Des statues de Napoléon ou de Churchill sont déboulonnées. Quant à MeToo, si la dénonciation calomnieuse n’est pas la règle, elle concerne au moins 2% des cas, ce qui est énorme en termes de milliers de vies détruites. Nous avons constaté chez certains de nos clients les dégâts provoqués par de telles dérives. C’est pourquoi Lexial met en place, à partir du 16 octobre 2023, une permanence visant à donner un premier conseil juridique gratuit aux victimes du wokisme au sens large. Les victimes d’actes woke se sentent impuissantes en termes de moyens de réaction, surtout lorsqu’elles font face à des attaques sur les réseaux sociaux. Pourtant, il existe des outils juridiques, dont on parle étrangement peu. L’objectif de la permanence  est ainsi de les informer sur ces outils. Alors que certaines mairies envisagent de proposer ce type de permanences, Lexial est la première société d’avocats à franchir le pas. Avec un objectif : expliquer à toutes les victimes du wokisme quelles sont les premières démarches à accomplir. Car elles ignorent trop souvent qu’elles ont des droits ! En matière de MeeToo, c’est la dénonciation calomnieuse prévue par l’article 226-10 du code pénal, et surtout la défense de la présomption d’innocence face au tribunal des réseaux sociaux. Concernant l’écriture inclusive, il est possible de s’appuyer par exemple sur la circulaire ministérielle du 21 novembre 2017, la loi Toubon de 1994, ou les précisions de l’Académie française, bien qu’elle n’ait pas de pouvoir juridique stricto sensu. Les réunions non-mixtes quant à elles sont sujettes à des actions en discrimination. Comment ça marche : Si vous estimez être victime d’une dérive wokiste ou d’une dénonciation calomnieuse sur Me Too, envoyez-un mail expliquant la situation à N’oubliez pas d’indiquer votre numéro de téléphone pour que nous puissions vous contacter rapidement. Nous le ferons dans les 24 heures. Si nous ne vous contactons pas, cela signifie que votre situation n’entre pas dans un des cas de figure dans lesquels nous pouvons / souhaitons intervenir. L’objectif de cette permanence est de pouvoir vous dispenser un premier conseil juridique gratuit. Le droit pénal faisant partie de nos activités principales, c’est sous cet angle qu’une solution vous sera proposée. Notre objectif étant uniquement d’apporter une réponse à des victimes qui ont aujourd’hui du mal à en trouver, nous ne nous réservons aucun droit de suite quant à un éventuel dossier qui naitrait de la consultation.  

Belgium is hiring international profiles

Belgian companies are increasingly looking abroad to address talent shortages, where there is a vast pool of motivated candidates. International recruitment specialist encourage business leaders and HR managers to consider international talents, which provides access to a broader range of candidates. They emphasize the benefits of a diverse workforce, noting that it fosters creativity and offers different perspectives. In 2022, foreign workers made up 15.8% of the workforce in Belgium, an increase of 25% over five years. This rise is attributed to measures taken by authorities to simplify the process of obtaining work and residence permits. The introduction of hybrid working conditions in recent years has expanded the recruitment scope in Belgium, as the location of residence is no longer a barrier. Belgium offers attractive working conditions for many international professionals. The country’s extensive range of additional benefits, including company cars, is particularly appealing to candidates from countries like the Netherlands and France. While base salaries might be comparable in countries like the Netherlands, candidates there might not have access to the same range of benefits as in Belgium. In 2022, the Office for Foreigners granted 8,098 “long stay” visas, primarily for professional reasons. The number of work permits, which allow companies facing staff shortages to request foreign labor, increased by 75% to 721. Language skills are essential for certain roles. While employers often lament the lack of language skills, not requiring French or Dutch proficiency can be an option for some positions. Most international candidates are fluent in their native language and English, which is beneficial for Belgian branches of international companies. For higher-level profiles, a recruitment firm expands its search beyond borders to find candidates with specific sectoral, functional, or project management knowledge. Eemployers who can plan ahead might consider reserving talents who are still studying in Belgium. Foreign students completing their master’s in Belgium can obtain a one-year residence and work permit upon graduation.

Attaques contre la laïcité, wokisme, écriture inclusive : les outils juridiques pour lutter contre les dérives

Ces thèmes sont profondément liés : ils concernent la cohésion sociale et les valeurs républicaines françaises. Au-delà du débat permanent, le droit positif peut permettre de combattre les dérives. La laïcité est un principe fondamental inscrit dans la loi de 1905 sur la séparation de l’Église et de l’État, assurant la neutralité de l’État face aux religions. En France, plusieurs outils juridiques garantissent le respect de ce principe : la Constitution, qui proclame la France comme une République “indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale” ; la loi de 1905, qui dispose que la République “ne reconnaît, ne salarie ni ne subventionne aucun culte”, garantissant ainsi la neutralité religieuse de l’État ; la loi du 15 mars 2004, qui interdit le port de signes ou tenues manifestant une appartenance religieuse dans les écoles, collèges et lycées publics ; la loi du 11 octobre 2010, qui interdit la dissimulation du visage dans l’espace public, ce qui inclut certaines tenues religieuses comme le voile intégral ; le Code pénal, qui punit les discriminations, les injures et les violences en raison de la religion, ainsi que les entraves à la liberté de culte. Tout dans la laïcité s’oppose aux dérives wokistes, dont les plus prégnantes sont le déboulonnage de statues, le changement de noms d’institutions ou de produits commerciaux, la tenue de réunions non-mixtes, la remise en question des programmes d’enseignement traditionnels pour y inclure davantage de voix non occidentales et minoritaires et l’utilisation de l’écriture inclusive. D’une façon générale, le droit positif permet au moins en théorie de développer des arguments au cas par cas : non-discrimination : en France, la loi interdit toute discrimination basée sur des critères tels que la race, le sexe, l’orientation sexuelle ou la religion ; liberté d’expression : les principes de liberté d’expression peuvent être invoqués lorsque des personnes estiment que leur droit d’exprimer des opinions contraires aux idées “woke” est restreint ; diffamation et injure : si une personne est publiquement dénigrée ou insultée dans le cadre d’un débat “woke”, elle peut avoir recours à la loi sur la liberté de la presse de 1881, qui punit la diffamation et l’injure ; droit du travail : en milieu professionnel, la législation sur le harcèlement moral peut être mobilisée si un individu estime être victime de comportements répétés visant à dégrader ses conditions de travail en raison de son refus d’adhérer à certaines idées “woke” ; protection du patrimoine : dans le cas du déboulonnage de statues, le Code du patrimoine français offre des protections juridiques aux monuments historiques. En ce qui concerne l’écriture inclusive, qui prétend rendre la langue française égalitaire en matière de genre, le droit positif est en évolution. En l’absence de loi récente précise (seuls des projets de loi existent à ce jour), les principaux outils juridiques sont les suivants : circulaire ministérielle du 21 novembre 2017, par laquelle le Premier ministre demande que l’écriture inclusive ne soit pas utilisée dans les textes officiels ; loi Toubon de 1994, qui impose l’usage du français dans un certain nombre de contextes, et qui peut être mobilisée pour interdire l’usage de l’écriture inclusive dans ces contextes ; l’Académie française, bien qu’elle n’ait pas de pouvoir juridique, qui a un rôle officiel de conseil en matière de langue française et a exprimé son opposition à l’écriture inclusive. La lutte pour le respect de ces principes peut être un combat long et méticuleux, nécessitant une vigilance constante et l’application de la tolérance zéro. Une récente décision du Tribunal administratif refuse de censurer sur cette pratique sur des plaques officielles. Ce n’est qu’un début, et une décision de première instance. Il ne faut jamais hésiter à saisir la justice lorsque de tels agissements deviennent excessifs.  

For the fourth consecutive year, France leads the European ranking for foreign direct investment (FDI)

With 1,259 new projects in 2022 (a 3% increase from 2021), foreign-owned companies play a significant role in the French economy, employing 2.2 million people and contributing around 20% of the GDP, 25% of private R&D, and 35% of industrial exports. Despite economic and social instability, France has surged ahead of its competitors, the UK and Germany, thanks to successive reform waves since 2007. In the manufacturing sector, France remains the top destination for factory establishments and extensions, with 547 projects. The country is also the main hub for R&D investments, largely driven by its incentivizing innovation policy. A large portion of these investments occurs in rural areas or medium-sized agglomerations, with the Ile-de-France region surpassing Greater London as the most attractive European region. Foreign investment in France is distributed across various sectors, including business services, software and IT, automotive, aeronautics, industrial equipment, and agri-food. The availability of decarbonized energy and a skilled workforce are considered France’s primary industrial assets by international executives. Furthermore, France is experiencing a transition towards greener practices. The automotive and aeronautics sectors are making a significant shift towards decarbonized mobility. The health sector is witnessing a move towards repatriating production capacities that were previously outsourced to Asia. Lastly, in the electronics industry, particularly in the strategic semiconductor sector, France is benefiting from the current investment momentum in Europe, aiming to limit its dependence on Asian countries. Should you wish to invest and/or be a French resident: please refer to our Business & Immigration section (Talent Passport)

French, Belgian and Swiss business immigration & criminal lawyers

Our law firm was created in a spirit of innovation and with the desire to implement a distinctly modern approach to the practice of law. Lexial’s innovative geographical footprint allows the firm to serve customers in Brussels, Paris and Geneva dealing with European and international legal issues.

The firm focuses on specific areas of law. With Lexial, you are not a “number”, our team is voluntarily restricted in size because a customized relationship with our clients is a priority.

In addition to a selection of traditional legal services offered business and employment law, the firm has developed a specialized practice in international immigration law as well as in international criminal and political law. Lexial is every year classified as a leader among immigration lawyers and international criminal lawyers.

Thanks to its French and Belgian immigration lawyers, the firm possesses expertise in the area of international mobility in Belgium and France (especially French Talent Passport and Belgian Professional Card). We are also active in Switzerland.

Within this framework, we have developed strong relationships with Middle Eastern countries, in particular Gulf States (UAE, Kuwait and Qatar), Asia and North America.

The Firm applies the standard rules of ethics of European lawyers (CCBE).

WE DO NOT provide any legal opinion by telephone: please use our “on-line” consultation form.

Business immigration and criminal lawyers in France, Belgium and Switzerland


Créé en 2007 dans un esprit d’innovation et de modernité, Lexial est actif dans un nombre restreint de spécialités.

C’est tout d’abord en droit international et européen de l’immigration d’affaires que le cabinet s’est distingué compte tenu de l’expérience de ses avocats dans les domaines de la mobilité internationale, de l’immigration professionnelle et des problématiques propres à l’expatriation.

Le cabinet est à ce titre recommandé par différents organismes internationaux de référencement, mentionnés par ailleurs dans ce site.

Plus spécifiquement, nous conseillons nos clients en matière de permis de travail, de carte professionnelle pour indépendant, de permis de résidence et de nationalité dans les pays dans lesquels nous sommes présents.

Présent à Paris comme à Bruxelles depuis 2007, Lexial est depuis lors le cabinet de référence des Français de Belgique. Outre cette activité dominante, nous assistons les entreprises et les particuliers dans toutes les branches du droit des affaires, en droit du travail, ainsi qu’en droit pénal.

Ons advocatenkantoor werd opgericht met een innovatiegeest en de wens van een andere moderne aanpak van de rechtspraktijk in te voeren.

Het innovatieve geografische bedekkingsgebied van Lexial laat het kantoor toe, cliënten te bedienen van kantoren in Brussel, Parijs en Geneva, die met Europese en internationale rechtsaangelegenheden te doen hebben.

Het kantoor concentreert zich op een beperkt aantal deskundig rechtsvakken. Benevens de kleine selectie van traditionele rechtsdiensten die het voorstelt – strafrechtelijk, politiek, zaken- en tewerkstellingsrecht-, resulteerde de unieke aanpak van het kantoor in een enge scherpstelling op internationaal en Europees zakenimmigratierecht.

Het kantoor beschikt over erkende expertise op vlak van internationale mobiliteit, uitgewekenenzaken en beroepsimmigratie en kan aan cliënten raadgeven op specifieke materiën, m.i.v. werkvergunning, beroepskaart, nationaliteit en verblijftoelating in België, Frankrijk en Zwitserland.

Binnen dit raam ontwikkelden wij sterke betrekkingen met landen van het Midden-Oosten, in het bijzonder de Golfstaten (VAE en Qatar), maar eveneens met Azië en Rusland.

Наша компания была создана в духе новаторства и с желанием реализовать современный подход к юридической практике. Географическое положение офисов Lexial позволяет компании обслуживать клиентов в Брюсселе, Париже и Женеве по вопросам европейского и международного права. Компания сосредотачивает свою деятельность на ограниченных областяx права. В дополнении k более традиционным юридическим услугам – в уголовном, политическом, деловом и трудовом праве – компания развила со временем уникальный подход в облaсти миграции бизнеса на фоне европейского и международного законодательства. Компания обладает также большим опытом в области международной мобильности включая профессиональную иммиграцию, и может консультировать клиентов по конкретным вопросам, в том числе разрешение на работу, запрос на получение профессиональной карты, гражданства и вид на жительство в Бельгии, Франции и Швейцарии. В рамках нашей деятельности, мы разработали прочные партнерские отношения со странами Ближнего Востока, в частности государствами Персидского залива (ОАЭ и Катар), но и со странами Азии и России.


Lexial 律师事务所革新的地理位置让我们在布鲁塞尔, 巴黎和日内瓦的办事处能为客户们提供各种在欧洲和国际上的合法服务。

我们的律师事务所是针对有限量的地区和专业领域加上少量选择性的传统法律业务如 : 刑事案件,政治,商业和劳工司法官司等。

公司独一的专长是针对 国际和欧洲的商业移民业务。公司具有处理国际流动性移民和职业移民的能力同时也能为客户提供各种有关的专业咨询,包括申请工卡,职业卡和在比利时,法国和瑞士申请公民和居留证等业务。

在这个工作框架内, 我们和中东的国家, 特别是海湾国家(阿联酋和卡塔尔)和亚洲, 俄罗斯等国家也发展了强大的业务关系。

تم إنشاء شركتنا القانونية بروح الابتكار مع الرغبة في تنفيذ نهج واضح وحديث لممارسة الأنشطة القانونية ‘لكزيال’ وموقعها الجغرافي المبتكر الذي يسمح للشركة لخدمة الزبائن من خلال المكاتب الموجودة في بروكسل وباريس وجنيف التي تتعامل مع المسائل القانونية الأوروبية والدولية تركز الشركة على عدد محدود من مجالات الخبرة القانونية. بالإضافة إلى مجموعة صغيرة من الخدمات القانونية التقليدية المقدمة – الجنائية والسياسية والتجارية وقانون العمل- فقد أدى نهج الشركة الفريد من نوعه في العمل إلى التركيز الدقيق على قانون هجرة الأعمال الأوروبي والدولي تمتلك الشركة الخبرة المؤكدة في مجال التحركية الدولية، وقضايا العمالة الوافدة والهجرة المهنية، كما يمكنها تقديم المشورة للزبائن في مسائل محددة بما في ذلك رخصة العمل، البطاقة المهنية، المواطنة والإقامة في بلجيكا وفرنسا وسويسرا في هذا الإطار، قمنا بتطوير علاقات قوية مع دول الشرق الأوسط، خاصة مع دول الخليج (الإمارات العربية المتحدة وقطر)، وأيضا مع آسيا وروسيا